Thanksgiving is over and Christmas is right around the corner. As you are out shopping, please think about supporting our annual Remodelers Council tradition by picking up some hats, gloves or mittens which are given to Lincoln Elementary students in need. For those of you who attended the Holiday party, I hope you had a GREAT time and enjoyed a little gambling for free money!

HBAL is keeping an eye on the EPIC Consumption tax ballot initiative. If there are enough signatures gathered in the next several months, it will place new tax law changes as constitutional amendments on the ballot in the November 2024 general election. If you encounter someone collecting signatures for the ballot initiative, please make sure you are well-informed on how the proposed changes will affect Nebraska’s tax system. While the group promoting the tax makes it sound like this will be a great new system by eliminating property, sales, income and inheritance taxes, it will replace them with ONE LARGE consumption tax on EVERY new item purchased and service provided. This means the sale of any new home will incur a tax that HBAL’s consultants realistically estimate will be two to three times higher than the 7.5% the circulators are claiming. We are already in a housing shortage, and this will only exacerbate the problem. Please see pages 6-7 for more information. If you would like any additional information please contact me, one of the members of the Board of Directors or Michaela at the office.

May you all have a wonderful holiday season, filled with fun times shared with family and friends!