Thank you to all who volunteered their time at the Food Bank last month. It is great to give our time to help our community and to set a good example to others. So again, thank you for all who helped.

In this industry, we can get too focused on our job at the expense of our time spent with others, especially our family. I was recently reminded of this, so I’ll put a challenge out there to all of you reading this. The challenge is to go make a memory with your family in June that you don’t already have planned. Be spontaneous and fun! It can be simple or as big as you want. Don’t be the parent or spouse that says “Not today, maybe another time.” Surprise your family with a “Yes!” Go get ice cream, plan a trip to the zoo, go fishing, visit Urban Air, go mini-golfing or whatever you know will be special for your family. One of my family’s favorites is to get Yogurtini for dessert after supper – which I just had to look up and found the last time we were there was March… time flies! I guess it is time to go again and make a memory with my little kids!

Don’t forget about the Remodelers Council Picnic on June 12. We’ll have delicious food and yard games. It will be a great time with more opportunity to talk to one another.