Did you know May is Small Business Month? Did you know small business is the backbone of your town, city and state?

It is important to keep as much business as we can in our communities. As remodelers we can make sure we utilize the businesses next door as much as possible. It can be as simple as getting your oil changed with a local mechanic or buying building materials from a local resource rather than a big box store. Of course we need to watch our operation costs and material costs, but the relationships you make with small business owners may not show up on paper, but will pay back in customer service and knowledge. These types of time savings are worth every penny spent.

Make sure the next time you need to get out that credit card, that it not only helps you and your business, but it also helps another small business in the community.

We have a lot of events coming up: the Spring Parade of Homes, HBAL Golf Tournament and the Remoderlers Council Picnic. Please contact the HBAL office if you need any details.